Breed Descriptions

For a complete description, view the Breed Standard
Breed Secretary: JANET WELLS





The Abyssinian is one of the oldest natural breeds.  It is thought to have originated in Egypt or abyssinai (Ethiopia), and bears a striking resemblance to the cats worshipped, painted and sculpted by the Ancient Egyptians.

The Abyssinian is a ticked cat of medium size with firm muscular development.  the head is a modified wedge with large erect ears, ideally with tuffs at the tips.  the wide, almond-shaped eyes are a rich shade of gold, green, hazel or copper.

The coat is soft but dense and resilient to the touch and long enough to accommodate 4 or 6 alternating light and dark coured bands.  The tabby "M" on the forehead and the brush stroke markings around the eyes provide the Aby with a feral almost wild look, but the Aby contains no wild blood.  It is gentle and amenable to handling

The Canadian Cat Association recognizes Abyssinians in 4 colours.

  • Ruddy: with its rich orange brown base coat and dark brown or black ticking.
  • Sorrel: with its warm sorrel-red to rich cinnamon base coat and chocolate brown ticking.
  • Blue: with its warm blue grey base coat and slate blue ticking.
  • Fawn: with its warm pinkish buff base coat and deeper pinkish buff ticking.
  • Spirited and inquisitive, the Aby seems to be in constant motion, a personality trait sometimes at odds with small apartment living.  they are gentle and affectionate to humans and make ideal companions - no doubt a major reason for their popularity as pets.