Descended from the domestic cat that emigrated from Europe to America, this hearty breed earned its keep as hunters of vermin for 2 1/2 centuries before anyone took much interest in systematically breeding and showing them.
The history of they pedigreed American Shorthair dates back to 1900-1901 when imports from England were brought to North America. The breed began to make progress in the 1930's to 1950's and was at that time known as the Domestic Shorthair. More and more breeders began to take an interest and in 1966 it was renamed the American Shorthair.
The American Shorthair is a medium to large cat with broad shoulders and chest, powerful legs and strong paws. They have a pleasantly open face, plump cheeks with wide set expressive eyes. The muzzle should be squarish but not too short or peke-faced.
Their thick, hard coat requires little grooming and comes in a profusion of colours and patterns. The most identifiable pattern being the classic silver tabby.
American Shorthairs are noted for their good temperament and intelligence. They will attach themselves to the family and adapt well to most situations.