The Balinese came into being when breeders became interested in trying to perfect the gene which sometimes produced longhaired kittens in Siamese litters. The Balinese got its name because its svelte lines and grace of movement emphasized by the flow of its silky long coat - reminded one of its pioneer breeders of Balinese dancers.
Judges look for a fine-boned, sleek body, with a long wedge-shaped head and deep blue almond-shaped eyes. The coat should be long, fine and silky and the tail hairs spread out like a plume.
The Balinese, like the Siamese, Himalayan, and Birman is a pointed cat with the lighter body colour contrasting with the mask, ear, leg and tail colour clearly defined in depth and evenness. The Canadian Cat Association first recognized the Balinese in the four Siamese colours of seal, blue, chocolate and lilac points but the newer colours of red, cream, tortie, blue cream etc. as well as the various lynx colours are now accepted for championship.
As might be expected, Balinese share many characteristics as pets with the Siamese. They have an extremely high energy level. They are acrobatic, liking to run, jump, climb and ride on the shoulders of their owners. They are very affectionate and demand affection in return.